Thursday, March 06, 2008

Unusual injuries

Warning: Might contain TMI to some.
Last night I woke up with a stomach ache. Aftering wondering for a bit what I had eaten and if it contained milk (dairy allergy is so much fun), I realised the aching part was my stomach muscles which were cramping. A trip to the bathroom helped a bit, so I could sleep. In the morning the cramp was still there, and I realised I had pulled a muscle. Apparently I have working muscles in my stomach after all. I started going over what I had done yesterday and what might have caused it. All I could think of was the trip to bathroom at school, when I was sitting in a weird position on the toilet and using all my strength to sit up and not fall. I have to be the only person who can pull a muscle simply by sitting in a toilet...
Then again I hurt something in my wrist by holding a book. I had a paperback in a small plastic bag once. I was alone, so I had to hang it from my chair in order not to drop it. In the process of hanging it, the whole weight of the bag was on my thumb for under two minutes. Surely enough, the next day the base of the thumb and wrist were aching.
There was also the time dad lifted me into our car and broke something in my foot. It hurt to touch and move for a few day. I learnt to keep shoes on when being lifted to difficult places after that.
Abled people get sports injuries, we disabled get injured by living... Oh, and at 10pm stomach is still cramping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not disabled, but I hurt myself in very odd ways as well, wepsi. I can open a door and just by twisting the doorknob, screw up my wrist for days. Bend over and bam, my back goes out for no reason. Sometimes I think it's just the body saying, I'm going to screw with you today.